Martial Art: Getting Our Kicks with Karate Pics

hand-painted window at martial arts academy show figures in combat
Wu-Shuryu-Do The Flowing Way / Strike Force Karate Academy, Mt. Washington

Your author won’t pretend to know what Wu-Shuryu-Do—The Flowing Way is, but it sure sounds cool. That said, a picture is worth a thousand words and what we don’t know by name, we sure get with the accompanying artwork.

The scene: two buff fighters are flexing and straining in combat. On the right is a warrior dressed like so many kung fu movie villains—shirtless, but with arm braces, wearing tight black trousers with the legs wrapped in some type of binding fabric. A thick red sash is worn about the waist with the end dangling for jaunty effect.

painting of people in karate poses on glass windows, Pittsburgh, PA
Wu-Shuryu-Do The Flowing Way, Mt. Washington

His foe is literally flying through the air with a leg extended in a kick that could surely split stone. This one didn’t skimp on the wardrobe on the way to the fight, though. He’s in a Tom Jones-style combat singlet accented with a necklace of oversized beads or baubles. A decorative toque literally tops the outfit in a style that would look equally smart on the ski slopes or the runway.

And can we say, what a location for mano a mano! We hope these guys can pause for a minute between bone-crackings to take in the view. Right behind their sweaty hindsides lies a breathtaking waterfall pooling into a misty river running between rocky peaks and twisting trees. If you’re looking for an Instaworthy place to have your neck snapped, The Flowing Way has got the place.

window painting for karate school with stylized punching fist, Pittsburgh, PA
Wu-Shuryu-Do The Flowing Way, (since replaced) Mt. Washington

Not all martial academies (are these dojos?) are as invested in the arts as Wu-Shuryu-Do. The Mt. Washington storefront studio has extended the custom window art to other panes of its Southern Ave. location.

Enough of them are, though, that original art decorating—and dramatizing—karate schools and Tang Soo Do meeting spots is a legitimate thing. Sure, it’s a little bit frightening and you’ve going to need expert timing, but we hope the trend continues as long as the river flows and the grasshopper learns from the cobra.

mural of figure in martial arts gown breaking cinder blocks
unknown, Wilkinsburg
mural of two people in karate poses painted on black brick wall, Wilkinsburg, PA
unknown, Wilkinsburg
painting of karate student breaking a brick with his bare hand in window with trophies
Nam’s Korean Karate School, Mt. Lebanon
doors for karate school with hand-painted figures making high kicks
Nam’s Korean Karate School, Mt. Lebanon
hand-painted wooden sign for martial arts organization
World Tang Soo Do Assoc., Tyrone
window glass mural of man throwing two others in martial arts combat, Etna, PA
Aikido of Pittsburgh, Etna
window signage for Battleground Training Center featuring silhouettes of two figures wrestling
Battleground Training Center, where “iron sharpens iron.” Vandergrift
door for martial arts academy with hand-painted dragon
Academy of Martial Arts, Arnold
sign for Taekwondo USA Family Center with man performing flying kick
Taekwondo USA Family Center, Vandergrift (detail)

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